Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Ask any writer which question they are asked most (apart from 'Which question are you asked most?') and they will probably answer 'Where do you get you ideas from?'

The answer is usually something pretty nebulous, along the lines of 'well, they just come to me'. This can come across as sounding glib and condescending but really, what other answer is there? There isn't a store we can go to and 'buy' a bagful of ideas to see us through the weekend; we can't plant a thought in the garden and expect to harvest an idea tree in the autumn.

No, ideas really do just 'come to us' all the time. Every one of us. The difference with writers is they are more receptive to :-

a) recognising them, and
b) doing something with them

My number one piece of advice to anyone even considering a hobby (or, dare I say, a CAREER) in writing is to record your thoughts! Carry a notebook always and write yourself little two / three word reminders of things you see and experience as you go about your everyday business.

You know those times when some jerk cuts you up on the road and you think of the perfect insult minutes later when he's miles down the road? Record that!

The feeling of cold on your face when you open the freezer door in a heatwave. Record that!

The punchline in need of a feed? Record that!

Of course, you will end up with loads of little books full of little notes and, to be fair, not all of them will be of any use whatsoever. I tend to write on anything that's handy (including my hand) and my desk is soon overflowing with scraps of scribble they just have to be 'thrown away' (which in my case means sticking them in a drawer), but it's a habit you get into. I'm too old to change now!

In an ideal world there would be ample time to catalogue all these 'idealets' properly, maybe construct a computer database or card index so you can pinpoint any one at any given time, but of course there isn't. Forget what some of these 'How To Write A Bestselling Novel' type books tell you on that score...if they had there way you would sepnd all your time prepping and none writing.

If you are reading this thinking 'but my ideas have all been done before' you are not alone. Of course they have - there are only seven different basic types of story (or is it twelve?) - but they haven't been done by YOU. When you are reading a book and think 'well, I would have done this bit differently' - that is your Inner Writer putting Your Stamp on the story. Congratulations!

Is it possible to force ideas to come? In my experience it is, but it's hard, frustrating work (usually done as the result of a deadline missed due to excessive partying) and isn't at all enjoyable. When every syllable has to be prised from your brain like a septic splinter you will never do your best work.

If you record your ideas casually as they come to you, you shouldn't have to be forcing yourself, anyway!

TTFN and keep scribbling.

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